PTZ Controls Explained

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PTZ Controls Explained




Direction Buttons For PTZ Control In The PTZ Control Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR


The direction buttons are used to control the left/right and up/down movement of the PTZ camera.

Menu And Confirm Button For UTC Control In The PTZ Control Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Auto Cruise

Press to start 360° auto scan. The PTZ will rotate constantly until pressed again. This is compatible with all levels of speeds.

PTZ Movement Speed Slider For PTZ Control In The PTZ Control Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR


Speed dictates how fast the camera moves around. Set the speed anywhere from 0 to 10 with 10 being the fastest.



Press + to zoom the camera lens in and - to zoom the camera lens out.

Zoom In And Zoom Out Buttons In The PTZ Control Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR


As default the camera will use the built in auto-focus, however the camera can be manually focussed by pressing +/-.

Manual Focus Cotnrol Buttons In The PTZ Control Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR


As default the camera will automatically adjust its exposure with the built in iris, however Iris + and - allow you to manually open or close the camera's iris so you can control the amount of light hitting the image sensor.

Iris Open And Close Control Buttons In The PTZ Control Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

3D Position

3D positioning is an easy to use control option for the PTZ. To move the PTZ to view a certain section of the image, simply click to move the PTZ to centre the PTZ on that part of the image.


Or click and drag a section of the image to have the PTZ zoom into and move to view the highlighted section of the image.

Auto Focus Button In The PTZ Control Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Auto Focus

The Auto Focus button will automatically focus the camera's image.

Zoom Restore Button In The PTZ Control Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR


Clicking the Reset button will reset all the PTZ parameters back to default (all presets and tour settings will be defaulted).


Watch Mode

Click to select to enable Watch Mode (This is configurable via the Watch Mode option).