Turning the White Lights Off

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Turning the White Lights Off


With the NiteDevil Hero 24C cameras the White LEDs can be set to IR LED mode instead. This setting can be controlled directly via web interface or via the menu on a compatible ZIP NVR (ZIPE204, ZIP408 & ZIP416).

See the video link Tutorial or steps below - https://youtu.be/8FBYzAh57ys



Go to Video > Image Control > Setting "Cog" for that camera.

See the below

Image Setting - Set to Day/Night Mode

IR-CUT Mode - Image

IR-LED - Smart IR

Web Interface

1.See the below guide for Adding Network Range if you are unable to connect to the camera using the IP address it is set to:-https://softcctv.com/helpdesk/kb/faq.php?id=571

It's Important to Remove the network Range you've added when you've finished.

2.Connect the Laptop to the back of a LAN port on the NVR.

You'll also need to install the ZipFinder tool to search for ZIP IP cameras on a network via a Windows PC.


3.Click on the IP address of the camera to see the web interface

Default login details are:-

User Name admin

Password 777777

4.Go To Remote Settings > Video > Image Control

Change Full Colour mode to Day / Night mode if want the camera to B&W & use the IR

IR Cut to Auto