Access to Device via PPPoE Dial Up Connection

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Access to Device via PPPoE Dial Up Connection


This device supports the PPPoE auto dial-up function. The device gets a public IP address by ADSL dial-up after the device is connected to a modem. You need to configure the PPPoE parameters of the device.



1. Go to Configuration Network Basic Settings PPPoE.

2. Check Enable PPPoE.

3.        Set the PPPoE parameters.


Dynamic IP

After successful dial-up, the dynamic IP address of the WAN is displayed.


User Name

User name for dial-up network access.



Password for dial-up network access.





Input your dial-up password again.

4. Click Save.

5. Access the device.


By BrowsersEnter the WAN dynamic IP address in the browser address bar to access the device.


By Client SoftwareAdd the WAN dynamic IP address to the client software. Refer to the client manual for details.




The obtained IP address is dynamically assigned via PPPoE, so the IP address always changes after rebooting the camera. To solve the inconvenience of the dynamic IP, you need to get a domain name from the DDNS provider (e.g. Refer to Access to Device via Domain Name for detail information.