Send Email

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Send Email


Check Send Email, and the device sends an email to the designated addresses with alarm information when an alarm event is detected.

For email settings, refer to Set Email.



Set Email


When the email is configured and Send Email is enabled as a linkage method, the device sends an email notification to all designated receivers if an alarm event is detected.


Before You Start

Set the DNS server before using the Email function. Go to Configuration Network Basic

Settings TCP/IP for DNS settings.



1. Go to email settings page: Configuration Network Advanced Settings Email.

2. Set email parameters.

1) Input the sender's email information, including the Sender's Address, SMTP Server, and

SMTP Port.

2) Optional: If your email server requires authentication, check Authentication and input your user name and password to log in to the server.

3) Set the E-mail Encryption.

When you select SSL or TLS, and disable STARTTLS, emails are sent after encrypted by SSL

or TLS. The SMTP port should be set as 465.

When you select SSL or TLS and Enable STARTTLS, emails are sent after encrypted by

STARTTLS, and the SMTP port should be set as 25.



If you want to use STARTTLS, make sure that the protocol is supported by your email server. If you check the Enable STARTTLS while the protocol is not supported by your email sever, your email is sent with no encryption.



4) Optional: If you want to receive notification with alarm pictures, check Attached Image. The notification email has 3 attached alarm pictures about the event with configurable image capturing interval.

5) Input the receiver's information, including the receiver's name and address.

6) Click Test to see if the function is well configured.

3. Click Save.