8.6 Set Manual DPC (Defective Pixel Correction)

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8.6 Set Manual DPC (Defective Pixel Correction)


If the amount of defective pixels in the image is comparatively small and accurate correction is needed, you can correct these pixels manually.



1. Go to Configuration Image DPC.

2. Select the thermal channel.

3. Select manual mode.

4. Click the defective pixel on the image, then a cursor shows on the live view.

5. Click Up, Down, Left, Right to adjust the cursor position to the defective pixel position.

6. Click UD1XXX~1_img61, then click UD1XXX~1_img62to correct defective pixel.



If multiple defective pixels need to be corrected, click UD1XXX~1_img61 after locating a defective pixel. Then after locating other pixels, click UD1XXX~1_img62to correct them simultaneously.



7. Optional: Click UD1XXX~1_img66 to cancel defective pixel correction.