Set Cloud Storage

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Set Cloud Storage


It helps to upload the captured pictures and data to the cloud. The platform requests picture directly from the cloud for picture and analysis. The function is only supported by certain models.





If cloud storage is enabled, the pictures are stored in the cloud storage server preferentially.



1. Go to Configuration Storage Storage Management Cloud Storage.

2. Check Enable Cloud Storage.




3. Set basic parameters.


Protocol Version        The protocol version of the cloud storage server.


Server IP        The IP address of the cloud storage server. It supports IPv4 address.


Serve PortThe port of the cloud storage server. 6001 is the default port and you are not recommended to edit it.



User Name and


The user name and password of the cloud storage server.




Picture Storage Pool


The ID of the picture storage region in the cloud storage server. Make sure storage pool ID and the storage region ID are the same.



4. Click Test to test the configured settings.

5. Click Save.