Free MP3 Messages Supplied

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Free MP3 Messages Supplied

The unit is supplied with 2 free messages that are named to automatically play once triggered by their respective inputs as follows:


SQ01.mp3 (PIR triggered message)

The PIR input on the VOX11 has been wired to trigger the following message:


SQ01.mp3 - this is the following free message as shipped at time of writing:


“Welcome face coverings are required whilst in this store, thank you for helping to keep us all safe.”



SQ02.mp3 (External alarm input triggered message)

The external alarm input connection has been setup to trigger the following message:


SQ02.mp3 - this is the following free message as shipped at time of writing:


“Please observe the social distancing measures we have in place during your visit.”



Other messages

A selection of free messages (plus 1000s of others) can be downloaded at our website for numerous uses including:


Welcome Messages for Reception Areas, Health & Safety Announcements, Customer Service Advice, CCTV In Operation Messages, Sirens and more...


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