Operation - Live View Toolbar - PTZ Controls - Preset

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Operation - Live View Toolbar - PTZ Controls - Preset

The Preset screen is where you can create presets, call presets and manage cruises.



PTZ Presets On A Zip DVR Or NVR


Camera Selection

You can select which camera you want to control from the Camera drop down list.


Preset Controls Explained

The buttons in the left hand panel are used to position the camera when saving preset locations, creating presets, calling presets, removing presets and starting/stopping cruises. The options available and functions may vary depending on the capabilities of the PTZ itself.





Direction Buttons For PTZ Control In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR


The direction buttons are used to control the left/right and up/down movement of the PTZ camera when creating a preset position.

Auto Cruise Button In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Auto Cruise

Clicking the centre button will start the the PTZ rotating continuously until stopped. To stop the rotation either click the centre button again or click on of the direction buttons.

PTZ Number Field In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Preset Number

This is where you can enter a preset number you want to call or the number you want to assign to a new preset for the current camera position.

PTZ Dwell Time In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Dwell Time

When creating a new preset position the Dwell Time determines how long the PTZ will stay in that position during a cruise.

Set Preset Button In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Set Preset

When you have positioned the camera, assigned a Preset Number and set the Dwell Time you can click the Set Preset button. This will create a preset in the Preset List for this configuration.

Clear Preset Button In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Clear Preset

After setting a preset the number in the Preset Number field will increase by 1. Clicking the Clear Preset button once will reduce the Preset Number to the last used.

Each further click of the Clear Preset button will delete the last preset from the Preset List.

Go To Preset Button In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Go To

Clicking the Go To button will action the preset number currently showing in the Preset Number field. This can be a pre-defined preset specific to the camera or a preset from the Preset List.

Start Cruise Button In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Stop Cruise Button In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR

Start Cruise


Stop Cruise

The Start Cruise button will start to cycle through the saved preset positions in the Preset List. The PTZ will stay in each position for the defined Dwell Time then move on to the next position. The cruise will repeat until you click Stop Cruise.

Save Preset List Button In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR


Click Save to save the current Preset List. Any new presets you create will be lost when you exit the PTZ Controls screen if you haven't clicked Save.



Total Presets

The Total number shows the total number of presets currently in Preset List.


Preset List

The Preset List displays all of the previously set and saved presets in numeric order.


Preset Lits In The PTZ Preset Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR


No.: This column shows the Preset Number assigned to the previously saved camera position.


Time: The Time column shows how long the camera will stay in the preset position before moving on to the next position during a cruise.


Clear: The Clear button allows you to delete the a preset from the Preset List.


Go To: Clicking the arrow icon in the Go To column will move the camera to the previously saved position.