Email Settings

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Email Settings

Go to Configure then Email Settings.


Enter details into the fields for the SMTP settings.



Field Name


SMTP Server

This is the mail client or application address for the Email address being used. For example, Gmail SMTP -


Dependant on the encryption and server being used. For example, Gmail Port - (TLS): 587,  (SSL): 465

SSL and StartTLS

Encryption procols that can be used.

SMTP Username

Enter the SMTP email account username (depending on the SMTP being used this may be the full email address of the email account).


Enter the SMTP email acccount password (this may be the password to login to the email account).

Email From (Name)

Specify a label for the email account being used to send the SMTP email. For example - RoboPlate Entrance Camera 1.

Email From (Address)

Enter the SMTP email account address (likely the same as the SMTP Username).

Email to (Default)

Specify the email address to send the email notification to.

Email Subject (Default)

Specify the subject of the email notification, using the Email Message Logic.

Save after making any changes.

Test to check the SMTP settings.