Playback Toolbar - Digital Zoom

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Playback Toolbar - Digital Zoom

When you click the digital zoom icon you will notice a small window appears in the bottom right corner of the screen repeating the camera's image. If you are viewing a multi-channel layout the selected channel will be displayed full screen. As you zoom in and move around the main image, this smaller window retains the full camera image. A rectangle will appear inside the smaller window to show what portion of the main image you are currently viewing.



Digital Zoom On A Zip DVR Or NVR



Zooming: Use the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in and out of the main camera image.


Moving Around: To move around the camera's image when zoomed in you can either click and drag the main image or click and drag the rectangle inside the smaller image.


Reposition Smaller Image: To reposition the smaller image just click (outside the rectangle) and drag it where you wish.


Exit Digital Zoom: To return to Live View click the right mouse button.