Playback - Slice - Playback

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Playback - Slice - Playback

The Slice Playback screen allows you to view the selected video slice. You can also backup your video slice to a USB device.


When you first enter the Slice Playback screen the video will playback automatically from the selected slice.



Slice Playback Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR



Playback Toolbar

For more information on using the playback controls see the Playback Toolbar Explained section.


Pre And Post Play

The Pre-Play and Post-Play allows you to specify the period of time shown before and after the selected video slice so that you can view an entire incident. If a incident starts before the footage covered by the slice or finishes after the slice ends you can set the Pre-Play and Post-Play accordingly.



Pre And Post Play Selection In The Playback Slice Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR



Using the drop-down lists you can set the Pre-Play and Post-Play times from 0 seconds up to 10 minutes.


Once you have set the Pre-Play and post-Play times click the Play button bellow the drop-down lists to start playback with the Pre-play and Post-Play time added to the video slice.



Play Button In The Slice Playback Screen On A Zip DVR Or NVR



Snipping Tool Button From The Playback Toolbar On A Zip DVR Or NVR Saving Video Clips

To backup video slices use the Snipping Tool from the toolbar as explained in the Snipping Tool section.