Signal Transmission

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Signal Transmission


Different site conditions will affect the signal transmission, and therefore will affect; distance, range and performance of the MegaMitters.


In modern buildings sometimes the structure is lined with “FOIL”. This can reflect or “ground” the wireless signal, avoid transmitting through such. If wiring is not an option then try mounting the MegaMitter on the exterior of a building with the connections in an ABS IP66 (waterproof) box.




When it is raining heavily microwave signals will be absorbed by the rain and reduce the distance it travels.

Keep the distance to a minimum between TX and RX, or use directional antennas, see Additional Antenna.




On some sites you may have other RF equipment that can interfere with the MegaMitters.

Fitting directional antennas help “block” out the interference, see Additional Antenna




Weather can affect transmission and reduce the distance it travels.

Keep the distance to a minimum between TX and RX, or use directional antennas, see Additional Antenna.




Microwave signals will not go through hills, as the density of the hill absorbs the signal.

Ensure the MegaMitters are installed in line of sight, avoid landscape obstacles and large changes in elevation.

Allow for the use of  directional antennas, see Additional Antenna.
